Merry Christmas Gift Certificate[/caption] This time of year is always so special no matter what your convictions or religion, as it is a time to think of others, share time and memories and spoil those we love with fabulous end of year presents!!!! I don’t know about you, but I love getting a surprise present!! Something I wasn’t expecting but which I think is fun and fabulous. With this in mind, I have launched a selection of limited Gift Certificates – that you can purchase and have personalized for your loved ones – and the gift they will get is a one-on-one fragrance Workshop with myself at my New York Bespoke Perfumery – the Scentarium™ – where during their  educational and sensual voyage into the world of perfumes – they will not only learn how a fragrance is constructed – but they will actually be able to make their very own fragrance creation on the day and take it home with them. Male or female, young or old – my workshops are fun, fascinating and fabulous!!! So – don’t miss out – buy someone you love a Fragrant Gift Certificate available from my web site:

Happy Holidays

Sue Phillips

22 junio 2022

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