By Roger Lim (for Australia TV) Beautiful, historic & prestigious. Defined by its spectacular arches, decorated with its curving stairways and elegant grand ballrooms, the Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles was the breath-taking site for the 2017 Celebrity Connected Emmy Luxury Gifting Suite. On first approach of the vintage-rich ballroom, the lively MC at the top of the stairs introduced the flow of incoming celebrities from rising talent to established stars. Inside, the jam-packed ballroom lit our senses with all its colorful products, flashy packaging and scores of signature gift bags lining tables. Directly in front of us was Stare Cosmetics promoting their sleek high-end makeup, perfect for classy red carpet events such as this. Business Development Strategist, Yanet Solis, was there to promote her extremely attractive line to us, highlighting the line's "coverage, colors,  and compatibility between skincare & makeup". Reps continuously posed for celeb shots against their Signature backdrop as pro photographers flashed away. After a few snapshots ourselves, we were sent off happily with various full size samples of their gorgeous color palette. Their entire collection can be found at Stare Cosmetics – STARE Cosmetics

Neighboring Dekke Hud San Francisco also boasted great gift bags of men's and women's facial treatment masks. "Taking care of your skin is always a complicated and lengthy daily routine, while you are often forced to rely on products that don’t ever seem to yield the results they are promising. In today’s fast-paced world your day is consumed by your many responsibilities, leaving little time to treat your skin. Dekke Hud Skincare was founded on the promise to simplify what was once an arduous process to an effortless, straightforward weekly routine." After taking advantage of some fun photo ops, top head, Joanne Liu, informed us their "Simplicity All-In-One" non-medicated skin care products & cleansers can be found at Dekke Hud - Skincare for Modern Men | Official Site

Just behind, CEO Krystal Kitahara from Yummi Karma allowed us to sample her full size jar of Pina-Co-Canna Medical Cannabis Body Butter. The natural-infused aroma mesmerized our sensesas new clientele took turns posing with her eye-poppingly packaged Butters, Rich Oils & More. "Yummi Karma have formulated products specifically with women in mind. High Gorgeous is a full line of topical essentials that will give you both pain relief and the confidence to be your best self!" We were honored to have been graced by the all the reps' fantastic synergy with so much exciting buzz stirring all around this very busy crew. Krystal's entire cosmetic line along with some healthy snackables can be found at Yummi Karma - Edibles, Topicals, Drink Enhancers

Next was the The Fodmap Friendly Tea Company, visiting all the way from Australia. Company Director  Carolyn Lindrea presented us her tea samples, each in fashionable clear tube containers inside her signature draw-string canvas baggie. Grace, Eminta, Slim Jim, GI Jane, Max Out & Aussie Jem brand teas promote everything from energy to mind  relaxation to inflammation reduction. "Created to heal and soothe the digestive system we offer FODMAP friendly hand made blends to suit every tummy". After posing for some cool pix, she shared how excited she was to have just gifted Susan Sarandon just before us, still blushing from her new connection! Carolyn's full line of teas can be found at The fodmap friendly tea co.

As we made our way toward the opposite end of the ballroom, Marketing Director Nick Abdoo of Cosmetic Hideaways greeted us with some Bling! His shiny metal lipstick/ lip balm cases hanging from fashionable chains now flashed brightly around our torsos. "Cosmetic Hideaways is the game-changing accessory that takes your lipstick from your handbag to wearable fashion." Nick's attractive new product can be found on his family-run website 

On the way back towards the front, we were captivated by the lure of all-natural perfumes, dispensers and shiny satchels. Sue Phillips was introducing her new House of Fragrance Menage 'a Trois Kits of Sparkling Citrus & Glamorous Floral. Fragrance Expert & Spokesperson Sue boasts, "My  mission is to take the fragrance out of the bottle and create a magical perfume experience for my clients- drop by drop".  She generously presented us each with a 20ml swivel atomizer filled with aromatic magic of our choice, with the Woodsy scent being my favorite. Her arousing new Citrus, Floral, Fresh, Spicy & Woodsy Perfume Scents, new products,  and so much  more can be found at Scent | Perfume | How to Make Perfume| Scenterprises

Next booth over, Michael Jarrett, VP of Diva Stuff allowed us to sample his various waist creams, cellulite bars and anti-acne treatments, all-naturally beautifying products great for women and men as well. After taking several pics of the products and were presented lavender gift bags to fill with cosmetic samples our choice like their Crepey Skin Cream, Sea Salt Acne Face Wash & Hydrating Lip Balm to name a few products from their amazing layout. Michael's full line can be found at Our last, but certainly not least visit of the day, was Repurpose Bowties. We were each allowed to choose a fancy bow tie from his wall of over 100 styles, patterns, materials & colors. We snapped a few last pics as we were sent on our way with new bowties, nicely topping off our gift bags with "wasted fabric turned into tasteful accessories" . All of their fine environmentally-friendly accessories can be found at Repurpose Bowties | Denver, CO |
มิถุนายน 22, 2022

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