National Fragrance Day occurs on March 21st each year and it always coincides with the first day of Spring. Have you noticed how suddenly vibrant and ‘alive’ we feel when the first hint of yellow daffodils peek through green buds?  How glorious it is to witness the new colors of Spring and to smell the change in the air.  The wonderful aspect about living in the North East is that the seasons are very pronounced and each season promises joys of its own, but certainly Spring is a welcome respite after the dark snowy dreary days of winter. I have always marveled at the exquisite colors and aromas of Spring in New York. Growing up in South Africa, which is a sub-tropical region, surrounded by ocean on two sides of the triangle-shaped country, it has a lovely temperate climate with plenty of sunny, dry days.  The seasons merge into one another and are not as noticeable as they are here in the North East. Spring showcases bright garden hues. Gorgeous colors of various shades of pinks, oranges, corals, and different tones of green trees herald the delicious aromas of a new season. The smell of wet rain and warming air and soil are the perfect combination to plant new buds to set down roots.  The smell of flowers and barbecuing meat will be along soon enough but early Spring is dominated by the earthy fragrance after rain and the evocative odor of new-mown grass. Green leaves, green grass and invigorating green leaves with lemon and green trees… crisp, natural, and earthy. Spring is a perfect time to celebrate the senses! 

Our most important Sense is Our Sense of Smell, after our Sense of Sight, according to Martin Lindstrom, Brand Sense. The brain is an amazing thing, and science finds out more about it every day.  Simply put, the olfactory bulb which is responsible for processing all those smells we take in is next to the hippocampus deep inside the brain.  Neuroscientists have discovered that one of the responsibilities of the hippocampus is creating new memories.  With the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus immediately adjacent, research suggests smell and memory are nearly related. Our memories are most closely linked to those we have loved.  Your first kiss with your first love! The smell of a new born baby; the luscious aroma of freshly baked bread reminds us of family times in the kitchen, or the smell of a cologne will remind you of your someone you may want to forget!   While we may often take a trip down memory lane by looking at a scrapbook, perhaps this time remembering our favorite fragrances will stir up memories that were long forgotten or maybe we will make some new ones. 


As you take spring walks and inhale the heady mixture of damp soil and new-mown grass, the luminous colors of plants, beautiful multi-colored butterfly wings, insects and other creatures will be sniffing the air as well and the miraculous transformation of the Season begins. Spring - truly a celebration of the senses! Find some new ways to enjoy your sense of smell. Use #NationalFragranceDay to post on social media. Tag- @scentfullysue, @scenterprises @thescentarium  #sweetsmellofspring   #suephillipsfragranceexpert, #suephillipsbespokeperfumery, Sue Phillips Spring 2017  

มิถุนายน 22, 2022

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